We started out with a box exercise which was the very first model item I had made ever ( being one of the engineers). From then on, the tasks were explained and were pretty self explanatory, compared to my other workshops. From the simple cardboard model to the final transformation one, I learnt so much about techniques and little tips for making models, though I admit I've still a long way to go.
One huge lesson I learnt from this task was where and what materials you can actually find, which will definately be useful in the future.
In the image you can see my use of wrapping ( one of my chosen action techniques). I intended for it to look like bandages wrapping up the exterior wall, I'm not too sure how much it looks like that though. My idea was supose to look like bloody interior walls with bandages wrapping the outside. The visible red wall in the image is one of many walls that are able to move in and out of the structure. This was my second action technique, revealing or exposing. It was not as successful as I had hoped as some walls were looser than others and I didn't like this difference,and walls tended to fall inside if i pushed too much and was a bother to fish out again.
Points I must work on are mainly the neatness of my model. I tended to get glue all over and some bits of glue are visible still.