Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Architecture in Motion

This first workshop was quite interesting. Being the first batch of students we didnt really have any direction to follow except the work of Kentridge, so it was pretty open to the imagination.

First we went about taking photos of our space and thinking of narratives to take place within it. The drawing and modelling aspects were hard to tackle but turned out to be the best part of everyones movies. Some movies stood out for me, mainly due to their awesome use of modelling, especially this one set in the bathroom where he explored the use of pipes.

Looking back on my video I can't see much relation to architecture except that it took place within it but nevertheless it was a fun assignment.

Things I learnt:

Stop motion can be very cool IF you use a tripod

it can be very illusion based

Another thing I learnt from this workshop. BRING LOTS OF WORK TO DO IN CLASS, 4 hours is very very long and alot can be done.